Friday, September 25, 2009

Mom's clean when they're stressed? I seriously did not know this


When I came home from my week at my friend's, I found my room spotless, bed made with love. My Mom did it.

I can only think of a few times since age 16 when my Mom has made my bed.... Usually after my surgeries when I'm too sick to think much about it.

In a way, I hate the way I did things last week- Just taking off like that. But I couldn't think of any other way, and it's all working out.... I hate that I hurt her, but hopefully with some space some healing can take place.

Security deposit paid on the apartment. They can't take it away now :)

Am still blocked on the Sensory Integration post ideas. Does anyone have any questions I could use as jump off points?

Also... I know this is a sensitive issue but I thought I might ask....

You all have such great advice...

I recently recieved confirmation that sexual abuse I remembered in my childhood did happen. I don't want to press charges- I don't even know what the statute of limitations would be, and I don't *want* to know...

But I've been on overdrive. Rapid heartbeat for days, sensory integration things so bad I can't brush my teeth (I *wish* I could....)

Mom desperately wants me to be able to forget about it... "Put it in a box" she said....

I don't think I can without....someting.


Lisa said...

Lots going on. Don't forget to breathe honey....

MrsP said...
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MrsP said...

Ashley... really great blog.. wow you have had a hell of a 6 months. Good Luck with whatever you do. You are one of the most strongest people I know. Congrats on your new apartment! I am sooooo happy for you and excited... a long time coming.
Despite where we stand...if you need anything just let me know

Take Care and continue taking on the world!


Dia por Dia said...

Yep, we do clean it clears the cobwebs in our heads. You should see my house when I am really stressed!

Congratulations on the new apartment! You must be so excited.

BTW I responded to your question in the comments on my blog but I will put it here to and save you the trip....

Tortuga read Strider by Beverly Cleary. Corazon read Nim at Sea, by Wendy Orr. They are both big Beverly Cleary fans so I didn't let Corazon do yet another book report on one of her books and she branched out to Wendy Orr. Their current book reports will be on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis which they both are reading.
