Saturday, October 9, 2010

Posting about everything but what I want to post about

I've got a post in the works about how I have a whole new relationship with God and Faith after this week, but I'm finding it really hard to write about, almost like I'm tongue tied. Hang in there, I'll get it out somehow. Also, feel free to skip it, if that's not where you are. It wasn't where I was until this weekend...

In other news, they still haven't scheduled my surgery yet. I see the doctor on Oct 12, so if you'd like to send prayers or good thoughts towards a quick date and a good outcome, I'd really appreciate that.

I've also been bitten by the scrapbooking bug, and have a very happy cat now that I'm home from a quick trip to Ottawa for a wedding.

Also, I'm going to ORLANDO! For those of you I'll see there- It will be so nice to meet you in person!


Anonymous said...


Linda said...

I am very interested to hear about your weekend and what happened to bring you closer to God!

Integrity Singer said...


Mama Drama Times Two said...

woooohoooooo!!!!! such good news.