Friday, July 10, 2009

Back on the Grid

Took Rolladyke Rambles down for a few days- don't know why, just decided to.

Have still been reading along and commenting with all of you- You're an amazing bunch of folks!!

Summer is in full swing here- Temperatures in the mid to high 20s Celcius. Unfortunately, I'm actually *still* in a lot of pain, and it's getting worse.

Have an appointment on the 16 to see what we can see...

Wishing all of you happy, peaceful summer days



Anonymous said...

I hope you can find some relief to your pain!

Lisa said...

Hoping relief is coming soon.
Don't leave. I already have abandonment issues. ;-)

Ashley said...

Tubaville: CP is kicking my butt these days, that's for sure...

Lisa: I'm sorry- You'd think as an aspiring AT I'd know better ;)

The Accidental Mommy said...

ah, the grid. I completely understand.