Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I got gnawed on by Torina's troll...

So just in case any of my real internet connections doubt the truth of my moderate claims at disability expertise, the following is a link to the first page of Google results which pop up from a search of my real name

Trolls inspire anxiety and hatred, and should be ashamed of themselves


Keynote Address

It went well! I'm hoping that the rules of Open Space Technology I was trained in 2 years ago held true and that the people who were meant to be there were there, and that I started and ended at the right time.

The text is linked below, even though Google should be doing this a little more easily for me, for those of you who might be interested in reading. The statistics cited (though there are only a few) are Canadian numbers- I don't know what the American or North American numbers are.


Monday, March 23, 2009

A Busy Week Ahead

Wow, it's shaping up to be quite a week. Thank God for some new meds (Well*butrin) which are helping me. Wish I had tried this particular drug family years ago! S-S-R-Is make me feel like my brain is jumping out of the top of my skull and make me sleep 16 hours per day- These don't!

Why is it shaping up to be quite a week? Well, I have a keynote address to give tonight for a project called All Abillities Welcome, and then on Thursday I'm off to Ottawa for a Strategic Planning meeting with the Active Living Alliance... And let's not forget that I'm still at university, too!

I want to leave you all with a final thought- Some of you will know immediately what I'm referring to when I say this.

The "disability community" and by this I mean all atypical folks, all folks who parent atypical folks, and all folks who work with and for atypical folks, has enough to deal with. Having an attack from what should be an ally or at least a silent visitor shakes all of us to the core and detracts from the progress we're trying to make.

I learned something from a video when I was little that maybe some "grown ups" need to go back and revisit. "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."

Thursday, March 19, 2009


And this is why I will uncomplainingly wear a seatbelt for the rest of my life. It stopped me from getting up close and personal with the dash/windshield when I was rear-ended today

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sorry to have worried you all...

I cannot eat an elephant all at once, but I have taken some small bites today and will hope to take some more soon.

And there is still music in the world.

I'm grateful for that, and for all of you.

Monday, March 9, 2009





Still here.

I read everyday